Sunday, December 16, 2007


1 packet Realeat Burgamix
I finely chopped onion
1 finely chopped clove garlic
Sage and thyme or other herbs
1 egg
110ml cold water
Oil for frying
1 jar tomato based pasta sauce

Make up the Burgamix with the egg and water, leave to stand for 15 minutes (as packet instructions).
Gently fry the onion and garlic, along with the herbs, until soft.
Mix the onion etc with the Burgamix, leave in the fridge overnight so it firms up.

The following day, form the Burgamix mixture into small balls - about 20 or so at least.
Preheat the oven to gas 6 (200C I think).
Fry them until cooked on all sides, takes about 1o minutes on a low heat.
Put them in a ovenproof dish, and cover them with the pasta sauce and bung in the oven for 20 minutes.
Cover all surfaces with plastic/muslins/something easily cleaned, as they're messy!
Make sure they're cool enough before serving, as they stay hot for quite a while.

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